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CMC'ians gather for a special CEO Session - a journey of reflection and strategy moving forward

On September 15, 2023, we came together for a truly special event at CMC. Our CEO led the way as we embarked on a journey of reflection and strategy at the special CEO Session with the CMC'ians. This event wasn't just about business; it was about strengthening our bonds, finding solace, and forging a path forward together.

After the session, we turned our attention to the spiritual aspect of our journey, led by Ustaz Haji Hazizul Ghouth for the solat and Yassin recital - a time for reflection, gratitude, and seeking blessings for our company and its employees.

CMC is more than just a company; it's a family, a community, and a shared journey toward excellence. As we move forward, let's carry the spirit of unity, dedication, and spirituality with us, ensuring that CMC continues to shine brightly.

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